Support your mental and physical health in one.

Where Psychotherapy meets Fitness Training. The Mind-Body Programme for Life Today.

More time for living. Your weekly mind and body workout in one

Psychotherapy and Physical Fitness Training have historically lived in very separate worlds; a falsely divided world separated by a hard line between physical and mental health, when often there is no clear-cut distinction between the two. To better support the mind and the body and our whole health, the combination of the two has now been found to have huge benefits. Our approach means you get to work your body and your mind in one, in less time than you’d spend doing this separately.

Better together. Proven to be highly effective in combination

It’s well known that exercise has huge mental health benefits but research has shown that incorporating exercise with therapy can be hugely beneficial; combining talk therapy and physical fitness training to maximise the benefits of both. Research shows that if you can work on your physical fitness it will benefit your mental health and if you work on your mental health it can relieve physical symptoms and lead to greater overall wellness and vitality.

Invest in you. A ‘whole health’ approach for the long term.

You won’t hear us mention the ‘H’ word. Does anyone know what ‘holistic’ really means? Our approach is simple. In just over an hour a week you work out your body and your mind. No magic or quick fixes, just some commitment to change and finding what works for your body and your mind, so you can feel like the best version of you.

“It’s about creating a better future for mental and physical health together, rather than for either one alone.”

A whole health programme for your mental and physical wellness.

The 'Form’ to set the foundation

80 minutes: 40 mins Psychotherapy / 40 mins Fitness Coaching

A 12 week one-to-one program to build the essential foundation for long-term health and wellness. Learn what makes your body work and find out where you’re mentally stuck. Identify and practice what builds your mental and physical wellness.

The ‘Re-Frame’ for lasting change

60 minutes: 30 mins Psychotherapy / 30 mins Fitness Coaching

The growth and change phase is where you experience the compound effect of combining talk therapy and physical fitness training. Experience better sleep, increased body strength, higher energy levels and greater ability to cope with ups and downs.

The ‘Check-in’ to maintain

30-60 minutes: bespoke session online or in person as and when you need it

A check-in for the times you feel like you need a little more help or to re-calibrate. You choose what you need a bit more help with and we work on that, to get you back to living the best life you can.

Psychotherapy Personal Fitness Training in One

We know that taking care of yourself can be the last thing on the list. Life can be busy, stressful and it’s often easier to put it off. Tomorrow anyone? Form and Frame came about from our shared belief that the effect of talk therapy and physical training were amplified when combined. We’ve created something that lets you focus on your mental and physical health in one session in a week. We give you the tools and the space to help you grow stronger mentally and physically, to live the best life you can.

State-of-the-art Gym and Discreet Therapy Rooms Central London Location

Until, 111 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0DT


Try a session and see if it’s right for you.